Scoliosis Treatment in Lekki Lagos
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a condition that causes a person’s backbone to curve to the side instead of running down the middle as is normal. When the angle of the curve exceeds 10 degrees, one suffers from scoliosis. The precise reason for this condition remains unknown to doctors in a majority of cases. When a doctor is unable to determine the reason for scoliosis, the condition is referred to as ‘idiopathic’. Scoliosis Treatment in Lekki Lagos

Scoliosis whose cause can be determined is divided into two categories: structural, where the curve is too rigid to be straightened and non-structural, where the problem can be treated in order to reverse the condition. Structural scoliosis can be caused by birth defects, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, genetic conditions, tumors, and infections. Non-structural scoliosis can be caused by factors like inflammations and muscle spasms. The symptoms of scoliosis tend to manifest thus:
- A shoulder blade that is higher or sticks out more than the other
- Rotating spine
- Uneven hips
- Back pain
- Breathing problems due to the restricted chest area for lungs to expand
Scoliosis Treatment
– Manual therapy
– Dry Needling
– Rehabilitation exercises
– Acupuncture
– Ultrasound
– Laser Therapy
– TENS for pain
– Chiropractic & Massage therapy
At Mobility Physiotherapy Center, we have a team of qualified professionals who offer specialized treatment for various musculoskeletal conditions. Whether you have a chronic medical condition, such as arthritis, or you have experienced a sports injury, or suffer from dizziness and vertigo our experienced physiotherapists will provide you a personalized treatment, offering you relief from pain and discomfort and enabling you to get back to your usual activities quickly.