TMJ Pain Treatment in Lekki
The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone that lies in front of the ears on either side. This hinged joint, along with surrounding muscles and tendons, controls the movement of the jaw to be able to talk, eat, chew, yawn, and more. TMJ Pain Treatment in Lekki

What is TMD? Is it different from TMJ?
When the movement of Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is affected and is causing locking or pain, the condition is referred to as Temporomandibular joint Dysfunction or TMD. Commonly, this dysfunction is referred to as TMJ which is incorrect as TMJ is the actual joint.
TMJ pain & dysfunction commonly happens after dental procedures and motor vehicle accidents (MVA). Muscle disorders, injuries to head and neck such as whiplash or falls can cause TMD. Arthritis and other derangements that can cause dislocation of the disc also result in TMD or TMJ pain.
What are the most common TMD symptoms?
The most common symptom associated with TMJ dysfunction (TMD) is a pain in your jaw when you eat or face or around your ear. This pain can be mild or severe and can develop gradually or be sudden. Sudden severe pain is usually associated with joint locking.
Other symptoms may include:
- Clicking, popping or grinding sound when you eat
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Constant headache especially if the cause of TMD is a whiplash injury
- Jaw locking, difficulty opening and closing your mouth
- Toothaches, earaches, swelling of the face
- Dizziness associated with headache
- Ringing in ears (tinnitus)
How is TMJ disorder diagnosed?
A dentist or your doctor or physiotherapist will ask questions to find out the possible causes for your pain condition and a description of symptoms that you are experiencing. A physical exam will then be performed to assess the muscular tension, the range of motion and if there are abnormal sounds when you open and close your mouth. Your dentist, doctor, or TMJ specialist may order an x-ray or MRI if they believe the issue may be related to the bones or discs of the joint.
TMJ Pain Treatment in Lekki
The best treatment for TMJ pain or TMD is a treatment plan to address the root cause of your pain and is tailored to your situation. This should include:
- Jaw, head, and neck exercises to improve mobility, flexibility and strength
- Manual therapy including stretching the soft tissue and mobilizing joints
- Breathing exercises, relaxation, meditation
- Posture correction
- Massage therapy for facial and jaw muscles and to release the tension of neck muscles
- Heat/ice therapy
- Physiotherapy
A consultation with your dentist is necessary as you may need to be fitted with a mouth guard to help prevent grinding your teeth at night. In some cases, a referral to a TMJ specialist may be necessary.